How Triage Works

We know you are worried about your pet, and we understand because we are pet owners too.
Patients will be seen by a veterinarian in order of priority. Please understand there may be delays for priority II and III patients.
We appreciate you respecting our priority process in an emergency to ensure every pet is cared for when minutes count.
Life saving measures to be applied immediately.
- Poisoning
- Allergic reactions
- Collapse
- Heat stroke
- Hypothermia
- Bloat (GDV)
- Actively seizuring
- Major trauma (vehicular, animal attack)
- Penetrating bite wounds around the neck or chest
- Snakebite envenomation
- Choking
- Excessive bleeding
- Difficulty breathing
- Unable to urinate
Wait times may apply.
- Frequent vomiting
- Bloody diarrhea
- Paralysis
- Closed fractures
- Blood in urine
- Birthing difficulties
- Can urinate but with straining
Not life threatening (wait times may be prolonged)
- Abscess
- Foxtail
- Minor wounds/lacerations
- Sneezing/nasal discharge
- Stable chronic disease
- Limping
- Skin conditions
- Sore ears/eyes