Our pets need blood transfusions for emergencies and medical situations just like we do. As a result of increased specialization in veterinary medicine, the demand for animal blood products has risen dramatically. A safe and adequate supply of blood and blood component products for transfusion is vital to animal health.
Blood Bank Donations

Community Blood Donor Program

Historically, California required commercial blood banks for animals to be closed-colony establishments. On January 1, 2022, Assembly Bill 1282, the California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act, went into effect. This law aims to address the shortage of animal blood available for veterinary transfusion medicine in California and transition the state from closed-colony blood banks to community blood banks.
Heroes wanted!
Your pet’s donation of blood has the power to save the life of another animal in need.
We require that all canine donors are in overall good health. Donors must be 1 – 7 years of age, over 50 lbs, and current on monthly flea, tick, and heartworm prevention.
Our program is voluntary and there is no cost to participate. Benefits include:
- Complimentary blood typing
- Pre-screening and annual lab work/exams
- Fecal testing every 6 months
- Complimentary flea/tick and heartworm preventative
- Additional swag and endless love!

What To Expect
Blood donation for dogs is minimally invasive. During your first visit, which lasts about 30 minutes, dogs receive health examinations, have their blood typed (dogs have 13 different blood types!), and are screened for infectious disease. If cleared for further donation, the dog is invited to become a member of our canine blood donor program. Donation appointments can be scheduled as often as once per month, but pets typically donate 3 to 4 times per year. If any health problems are detected, the owner will be advised to follow up with the dog’s regular veterinarian.
The annual health checks are complimentary, as are donation visits. In addition to the obvious benefits to sick and injured pets, the program also provides an opportunity for dog owners to become involved in the veterinary community.

Do animals need blood transfusions, just like us?
Yes! Our pets can become affected by the same diseases and problems as us and blood products may be used for: anemia (low blood count), clotting deficiencies, and to replace blood lost from trauma.
Do animals have different blood types?
Yes, just like us, animals have different blood types based on proteins on the red blood cell surface.
Can blood be given across species?
No, blood products are species specific. Dogs can only donate to dogs.
How often do pets in the program donate?
Donors in our program will donate roughly 3 to 4 times per year based on our need. We will never draw more than a safe amount of blood based on each donor’s weight.
How long will donation take?
Our donation appointments are scheduled for 1 hour, though the collection process itself takes less than 30 minutes.
Will my pet require sedation?
Not typically, some pets may require a small amount of safe injectable sedation, but this will be based on an individual need.
Is there any special care after donation?
Most donors have no side effects from donating besides general lethargy (tiredness). This is short lived (less than 24 hours). We recommend that you avoid neck leads/leashes for 24 hours after donation.
Any perks to donating?
Besides knowing that you helped to save the life of another pet, incentives for our donors include:
- Complimentary blood typing
- Pre-screening and annual lab work
- Fecal testing every 6 months
- Food, endless treats, and love!

Blood Donor Intake Questionnaire